Classroom Wish List

Classroom Supplies:
we use a lot of the following:

copy paper
drawing paper
expo dry erase markers
glue sticks


Art Supplies:

paint brushes
styrofoam egg cartons
colored tissue paper(gift wrap)
wrapping paper scraps
paper plates (small and large)
brown lunch bags
your creativity



Miscellaneous Supplies:

small candies (M&M's; Skittles;etc)
Goldfish crackers
hand sanitizer
zip loc bags (all sizes)
kleenex (especially winter/spring)
band aids

We will also have special activities that might require additional supplies.


If you have an art project/craft that you would like to share with our class please let us know a time and the needed materials in advance. We would love to have you!

Thank you for all donations to our classroom. With your help we will be able to extend our learning opportunities.

Ms. Morrison & Mrs. Breck

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