Checklist for Kindergarten

Congratulations! You and your child are about to accomplish another milestone in your lives--the FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN!! This is a day filled with both excitement and anxiety. To lessen the anxiety I have compiled a checklist of important information to make the transition to kindergarten go smoothly.


Parent Checklist:

Enrollment / Emergency Forms:  Your child should have an enrollment/emergency form filled out completely. We MUST have at least 3 phone numbers to contact in case of emergency.  Please make sure the information on this form is updated throughout the year as changes may occur.

Transportation Confirmation:  Most Important!! I need this information so that your child is sent to the correct place at the end of each day. I have access to a bus schedule if you need to check your child's bus number. You MUST send a written note or call the office if your child is not going to be sent home by the usual method of transportation (ex.  being picked up instead of riding the bus, going home with a friend, etc.) Please do not rely on your child to tell me this information because children often get confused or relay the wrong information.  If I do not receive a written note or notification from the office, your child will be sent home by the usual method of transportation.

Attendance:  (See attendance policy) A child must be at school in order to learn. There are reasons for a child to be absent, such as fever, vomiting or diarrhea, etc. If your child complains of just not feeling good and they have no other symptoms, then send them on to school. If your child gets sick during the school day, you will be contacted.

If your child is absent, you MUST send an excuse the following day. If your child goes to the doctor or dentist, please ask for a signed excuse from the medical office.  

Also, it is very important that your child is at school on time everyday. School begins at 7:25. If your child is late, he/she will be missing valuable learning time and will be at a disadvantage in completing work neatly and on time. Instruction begins as soon as the children enter the classroom.

Good attendance will be recognized at the end of each week.



  All money sent to school must be in an envelope or ziploc bag labeled with the following information:
                              child's name / grade
                              teacher's name
                              what the money is for (lunch, snack, book order, field trip, etc.)
                              amount of money

Money for different purposes should be sent separately.  We are not able to accept checks for snack. 


Drop-off and Pick-up:

Morning Drop Off: Students arriving before 7:25 a.m. will need to be dropped off in the gym until time to go to class. Each day a teacher will be in the gym to supervise the early arrivals. NO one will be allowed in the hallways before 7:25.  

Early Dismissal:  If a child is picked up early, a parent must sign them out in the front office. You must have proper identification and be listed on the child’s emergency card. If someone else needs to pickup your child, their name must be on the emergency card and also show proper identification. This is for your child’s safety. The school secretary will notify the teacher that your child is leaving. 

Pick-Up From the Gym: If your child will be picked up in the afternoon, you must have a Chatsworth Elementary Pick-up card. If you do not, your child will not be released to you. This is for your child’s safety. Please be sure to have enough cards for each car or person that will be picking your child up from school. If you forget your card, go to the office and sign your child out. It’s the only way!! Don’t get upset with the teachers in pick-up, they are following the rules.


Medication Form: We cannot dispense medication unless we have an updated permission form on file. The medication must be in the original prescription bottle.  Non-prescription medication requires a form also.  Medication can NOT be sent to school in the book bag.  Parents are required to bring the medication to school and leave it with the front office, school nurse, or the teacher.  This is for your child's safety as well as the safety of other students.

Free/Reduced Lunch Form: Please fill out and return the free/reduced lunch application form even if you may not qualify.  Each qualification helps to increase school funds.

Other Forms: Student Handbook, Insurance, Additions

Classroom Information:

Snack: Your child will have the opportunity to purchase a milk or juice for 50 cents each day OR you may send a snack from home if you would like. 

Homework: Your child will bring a  folder home each day. This folder will be used for communication between home and school. Any assigned homework will be placed in this folder and should be completed and returned to school.  I would like to stress the importance of working with your child at home.  Your help will mean much more to your child than academic success. Your help at home will make your child realize that you value education and this will transfer to your child's opinion of school.

Newsletter: I will send a newsletter home in your child's folder periodically to keep you informed of upcoming events or important information.  This newsletter will also be posted on our class website at .

Book Orders: Each month I will send home a book order from Scholastic Book Clubs.  Ordering from the book club is optional, but please remember that this is an opportunity for you to purchase good quality books for very low prices (as low as $1).  In addition, our classroom receives points to use toward purchases of new books and multimedia products.

Birthdays: If you wish to send a special treat for the class for your child's birthday, please let me know a couple of days ahead of time so that I can give you an exact count of the students in the classroom.  This also reminds me to set aside some extra time for the special occasion. Look for your child's special birthday salute also on our website .


Working together will ensure your child has a successful kindergarten year.  Thanks in advance for all of your support.

Ms. Morrison  &  Mrs. Breck


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